Trustee Connelly speaks with Jas Johal about importance of air conditioning in schools

NWP School trustee Danielle Connelly appeared on CKNW’s Jas Johal Show on Friday to speak about the importance of keeping our kids and school staff cool during the hotter summer months.

“There is no air conditioning at NWSS, the facilities team does their best to get rid of hot air in the evening and bring in cool air…but as it stands we don’t have the funding to install air conditioning,” Connelly told the CKNW audience.

“So to confirm…when a school does get approved to get built does the funding include a cooling system at present?” asked Johal. In response Connelly replied ‘no’.

Johal noted that a recent article in the Record cited that WorkSafe BC recommends an indoor comfort range from 23 to 26C, but the temperature in NWSS was registered at closer to 28C.

If you want to listen to the entire interview with Trustee Donnelly, click on the CKNW image below.