Reducing Our Infrastructure Deficit and Supporting an Active and Sports-Friendly City

New Westminster residents value having well maintained streets, sidewalks and parks, and access to great sports, recreation and community facilities throughout the city. Whether it’s the sudden loss of our cherished Arenex back in 2016, the abrupt closure of Canada Games Pool before its replacement opened, or increasing programming to accommodate our growth in population, New Westminster can do better. As a team, we commit to:

  • Within the first 100 days of taking office, initiating an independent “future needs assessment” and community consultation to determine what should be the key priorities regarding the renewal, replacement and construction of new sports and recreation facilities throughout the city. Council will direct staff to ensure the report:
    • Determines the cost and possible funding sources to expand more all-weather fields to support the New Westminster Soccer Club, New Westminster Little League and other local organized sports groups – with a priority to make new investments at Ryall Park in Queensborough and Hume Park in Sapperton.
    • Identifies underutilized city-owned properties and the cost and actions required to repurpose them to accommodate growing needs by our local sport associations such as the New West Pickleball Club.
    • Contains a thorough analysis of the cost related to and possible funding sources to expand Queen’s Park Arena with another playing surface to support the efforts of organizations such as the New Westminster Lacrosse Association. New Westminster Minor Hockey Association and other local organized sports groups.
  • To address New Westminster’s rapid growth, better integrating and expanding of recreational programming aimed at supporting an active and healthy lifestyle for our seniors and youth population.
  • Consult with the public and sports organizations to develop a 20-year fiscally sustainable facilities plan that will become a roadmap to ensure New Westminster tackles its ‘infrastructure deficit’ and reclaims its position as one of the top destinations supporting sports and recreation activities in our region. 
  • Establish a new Amateur Sports and Recreation Task Force comprised of representatives from all major sport and recreation associations operating in New Westminster to be chaired by a city councillor. 
  • In partnership with senior orders of government, secure the funding to develop a new community center located in the West End | Connaught Heights area. 
  • Within the first 100 days of taking office, direct staff to prepare a comprehensive plan for repairing the most serious lifted or cracked sidewalks and patching roads with an excessive number of potholes.
  • Actively assess the feasibility of re-establishing a recycling depot within New Westminster so residents and businesses do not have to drive outside the city in order to do their part in combating the climate emergency.
  • Require new development proposals to include plans and contributions to infrastructure, including public green space, additional community centers, and additional schools.
  • Collaborate with the School Board to ensure land is designated in the Official Community Plan for new schools to accommodate future growth.
  • Commence the immediate removal and replacement of all dead and dying street trees on our major roads and have this work completed within 18 months. 

Read our New Release HERE.